Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Monday, September 10, 2007

oh the confusion

It's amazing the little things you sometimes take for granted as a teacher. Like knowing how many students (roughly) you'll have show up for class the first day, and having a schedule before classes start. I was told this morning that my schedule will change at least one more time (for the third day in a row) before it is set. I'm not really complaining, after all I'm losing periods which means a lighter load for me, but it does seem a bit ridiculous when school technically started today. Thank goodness we don't see kids until tomorrow. In the meantime I'm making enough copies to cover what the maximum class size will be and hoping they'll be smaller. Its just enough to make your starting week seem stressful (above and beyond the normal first day of class nerves).

1 comment:

Leigh Newton said...


What a nightmare! the long line that is. It reminds me why it was good to leave Turkey. I on the other hand don't have my passport back from the police dept who stopped processing them for some reason. I go to Space Camp Sunday week, if I can get it back all completed.

The INternational School of Azerbaijan is excellent! High staff morale and great PYP curriculum. Money seems to be no obstacle at all. Govt bureaucracy is still challenging.

Baku is a sad little place with only a few memorable historic sites. There is much corruption here.