Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeding time

Me too!
Originally uploaded by ccarlstead
Do you ever have those experiences where you don't really want to be watching, but you can't really look away? That's what I felt like Sunday. A friend took pity on me (since I was the last one out of the boarding house by a full 24 hours) and came and got me and we went to the Lion Camp. Turns out that they feed the lions at noon on Sundays. So we got to see the lions gnawing down, each with their own piece - although an occasional fight erupted over exactly whose piece of meat it was. It was disturbing and fascinating all at the same time. Made me realize just how powerful and wild these animals really are. There is a reason they had signs posted about not getting out of your car! Still, I feel like I was privileged to see a rare moment (rare meat at least) and while the veggie in me was more than a little squeamish I just couldn't stop taking pictures. The lions that were carrying a full leg where probably the most captivating - perhaps because their meal was easily identifiable. Oh, lucky me to catch feeding time at the park.

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