Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thoughts from J'burg

Separate Entrances
Originally uploaded by ccarlstead
I've been tucked away on the campus of the American International School for two weeks now, which is not exactly in a city - or really by much of anything at all. I have been focused on my classes (6 hours a day) and assignments and so have not really seen much of the area at all. We did have a "field trip" (I feel like I'm back in elementary school when I say that) last weekend that took us to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. It really gave a fabulous impression of what went on in this country as they fought to eliminate apartheid. From the moment you walk in - either through a whites only door or a non-whites entrance...which lead to two different approaches into one of the exhibition halls. The visual impact of the museum is striking, and I have to admit it really made me stop and think. Think about how a community that makes up only 10% of the population was able to dictate the laws that oppressed so many. Think about how liberal their bill of rights is. Think about the promise that we were asked to make the end, our own personal vow to combat inequality in the world today. Think about how while we've been driving down the streets it isn't uncommon to see a group of black workers with a white supervisor. Think about how almost everyone I've seen in a service position (working cash registers, cleaning, cooking) are black. It gives you a lot to think about, doesn't it?

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