Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Baking Cookies

As part of my attempt to recreate the holiday season here I invited my neighbor's daughters (4 year old twins) over to make cookies with me. What fun! I wasn't really sure how well it would work. After all I was going to have two kids to keep occupied and interested. Luckily I had two different types of cookies that I wanted to make - chocolate chip and mint chocolate cookies (yes I found that I could make mint chocolate cookies with mint extract since I can't get mint chocolate chips here). I just gave each of them a bowl, added ingredients to each bowl according to the recipe sitting in front of each kid and had them continually mixing. The fun really came when we went to put cookies on the tray. No spoons for us! It's always more fun when you use your hands. We rolled balls until they got bored with that and then moved on to making cookie snakes. I figured it couldn't hurt the cookies. And half the fun of doing things with kids is seeing what their imagination comes up with. In this case cookie snakes. Thanks Carmen and Katrina for the smiles and laughs which helped make the cookie baking a continuous part of my holiday tradition.

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