If you were moving overseas what would be the three things that you would absolutely have to take with you?
When I arrived in Turkey I was surprised to find that my list wasn't really all that similar to what others were deeming necessary. Perhaps it was my previous travelling with the Peace Corps. All I know is that my luggage was significantly less and with a different selection than many of the other teachers. My three favorite/most used objects brought are small tool kit (thanks dad), three photo ropes (http://www.photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/magnetic-photo-rope/) which were hanging on the wall with pictures attached the same evening I arrived, and a sharp paring knife. Everything else was icing on the cake...
Of course this is not the same as the question that occurs several months later as I beg people to send me packages...What would you have people send you? The top things on my list? Vanilla extract, index cards, Hershey's kisses, mint chocolate chips, dried ranch dressing. Can you tell that half of my memories of home are about food? The list is of course a little biased towards holiday cooking, but fairly representative of what I miss anyways.
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