Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Friday, January 19, 2007


"Last year, Guinea was ranked by Transparency International as the most corrupt country in Africa."
A quote from a BBC article about the current worker strikes racking the country. This is sad news that depresses me. I can't help but wonder what is going to happen to the country. I have a feeling that it has gone down hill so much since I left that it will take some drastic measures and major time to fix things up.

I think that any place you live for a couple of years finds a way to imprint itself on your soul. Guinea, especially in the form of Koundara (my village) and the people there, have done that to me. It makes it all the more sad to read news articles that highlight the backwards steps the country seems to be taking. What is going to happen? And how long will it take before I can say that Guinea is doing better then it was when I was there. No country should have to fight so hard not to lose ground.

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