Musings on my adventures around the world and my ties back in Texas as well as some of the the ideas I have to adapt and create to keep those places close to home.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our new auditorium

Our new auditorium
Originally uploaded by ccarlstead
At the beginning of the school year they promised that the auditorium that was gutted and being rebuilt would be finished by November. Today (yes, at the end of May) they officially opened that same auditorium with our student talent show. It was fitting to have the opening be a student event, especially as the students have been suffering along with us teachers through the construction noises and distractions all school year. I can’t say I really expected the thing to be done in November but I was starting to lose hope that we’d actually see it before the end of the year. I am always s amazed by the talents our students have. I only stopped in for an hour of the talent show, about a quarter of the whole thing, but during that time I heard several bands, a girl play the harp, another student on the violin and enjoyed a Latin dance. A variety that proved quite entertaining.

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