When I arrived back in Turkey Christmas Trees were lit, people were busy thinking about presents and in some households Santa was getting ready to visit. Confused yet? No, Turkey does not celebrate Christmas, but they have whole-heartedly embraced many Christmas traditions and incorporated them into their New Year’s celebration. Returning to my office to discover a bag full of New Year’s good luck, including a pomegranate and some black-eyed peas (in honor of those of us Americans who understand that Southern tradition), made me start wondering about what some of the other New Year’s superstitions are in this country. I began asking, and heard more then I ever dreamed.
From the package at school I discovered that:
You should smash a pomegranate on the threshold of your door as soon after midnight as possible in order to invite luck into your home.
You should turn on all of your facets; the flowing water will make “the New Year flow smoothly, without any problems.”
Turning on all your lights as soon as you get back from your celebration will insure you have a bright and happy New Year.
For those who love to travel and what more of it in the next year you should get out and take a walk to the nearest street right after the start of the New Year.
Talking with friends I heard a few more superstitions:
Patting your pockets will encourage the accumulation of wealth for the New Year.
You should wear new red underwear to meet the New Year, and experience good luck in the New Year.
It is important to celebrate the New Year with friends and family if you want to continue to experience their company the following year.
Whatever your beliefs I hope that you celebrated a good start to the New Year and that you’ll find many blessings and happiness.